Meet the Team

Maaike Polman
Maaike Polman

Who is Maaike Polman?

What is your current job title?
Business Unit Manager

Where are you from?

What did you study?
Theatre Studies, Art History, and Psychology

In your view, what makes Dynamic People unique?
The people—dedicated and always happy to help.

What’s your role within Dynamic People?
I manage operations as a Business Unit Manager.

What do you look for in a job, and what makes working for Dynamic People enjoyable?
My brilliant co-workers who always go the extra mile for our customers.

What are your ambitions?
To join the C-level team and optimize operations while bridging the gap between sales and operations.

Do you have a particular passion or hobby?
I enjoy being in nature, hiking, biking, singing, performing, and writing my own songs.

What, would you say, is your life motto?
“Learning by doing” (borrowed from my Junior Chamber International days).

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