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4 March 2021

Replace Excel with the Financial Report Package

The financial report package from Dynamic People

Do you also have a great advanced ERP system, but as an employee of the financial department you are still forced to export data to Excel in order to make your own financial reports? Many standard financial reports do not fully meet the reporting needs of companies. In addition, standard reports from ERP systems are expensive and not easy to adjust. Financial reports in Excel in addition to an advanced ERP system should no longer be necessary, which is why we as Dynamic People have developed a Financial Report Package Package.

The Financial Report Package contains several popular financial reports in Power BI. These reports are based on a data lake of the finance data from your ERP system. Because there is direct access to the data, it is also easy to create reports yourself or to enrich them with other financial data.

The advantage of these reports is that they are easy to adjust and have the look and feel of a full report, in contrast to Standard Excel reports which are standard available in an ERP system. It is also easier to gain additional insights from your data thanks to the AI ​​driven visuals that Power BI contains as standard. The key influencer visual is used, for example, in our Accounts Receivable report. In this visual, an analysis is performed on which factors most influence the status of your outstanding items.

The reports included in this Financial Package are: Trial balance report over time, Balance sheets, P&L statement, financial dashboards, expected payments per customer, customer aging reports. See our custom Accounts Receivable report as an example: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/nl-nl/partner-showcase/dynamic-people-b-v-dynamic-people-accounts-receivable-report/

If you are interested, please contact us at 020-3032470 or sales@dynamicpeople.com