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13 August 2018

Power BI update – august 2018

Power BI update overview – August 2018

To start with, at Microsoft they listen to the community by checking the ideas forum on powerbi.com. On this forum end-users and developers can submit their ideas about what is missing in Power BI. All users can vote for these ideas. Microsoft looks at the top voted ideas and some of these will be added in Power BI from time to time.

In the August update for Power BI there are some major features and improvements, starting with conditional formatting by values.

We have a customer who had an Excel report for his salespersons in which he formatted the background colour of the best salesperson for that day yellow. Before we could not arrange this in Power BI, but now we are able to do this with conditional formatting by values.

Another feature that is available now in the desktop version, is the export to pdf option. It will be great if this will also become available in the online version. Even better if it will be possible to send a PDF-file on a schedule to specific users.

The Scatter Chart by Akvelon is a very nice custom visual. In this Scatter chart you can select the data points you want, and the selection will filter all the other visuals you have in your report.

For the developers among us the long-awaited Python integration with Power BI is released. You can now select a Python script as your data source in Power BI and create visuals with Python as well. At the end of the August update another feature was announced I cannot wait for: expand and collapse options in the matrix visual. A super convenient way to reduce the number of rows in just a single click in the matrix and table visual without having to endlessly scroll anymore.

Interested in the new features of Power BI or any other possibilities, get in touch by e-mail info@dynamicpeople.com or call +31 (0)20 303 24 70.