Home / News / The Dynamic People Group is ISO 27001 Certified
7 April 2021

The Dynamic People Group is ISO 27001 Certified

ISO 27001 Certified

We have received the great news that the Dynamic People Group and its companies (Dynamic People B.V., Dynamic Products B.V. and Be Empowered B.V.) are officially ISO 27001 certified per April 2021. We have spent the last few months on internal and external audits.


Anno de Ridder (Security Officer): “In May 2020, we started the first discussions with our ISO27001 certification partner. Setting up the ISMS (Information Security Management System) took about 6 months, during which all policy documents were drafted and all inventories were carried out in terms of apps, systems, procedures and more.”


Audits completed

Such a process takes place in two stages. In the first stage, an internal and external audit is carried out. These took place in December and January. Then comes the second phase in which another internal and external audit is carried out. This phase was completed in mid-March. Both audits were completed without any issues. It is now up to us and our customers to stay focused on information security in day-to-day operations and communication.


Jeroen Bunck (CEO): Information security is extremely important, especially as a system integrator. Of course, we have always been working on it ourselves, but being ISO certified is becoming increasingly important, also for our clients. As a growing company you want to make sure that everything stays in order and this certification is part of that. It is really important that our employees remain aware of information security at all times.”


Dedication to Information Security

Achieving accredited ISO 27001 certification shows that our companies are dedicated to following the best practices of information security. Additionally, ISO 27001 certification provides us with an expert evaluation of whether our organization’s information is adequately protected.


Anno de Ridder: “It is very important to us that information security stays on top of mind: that it becomes part of our DNA. This starts with the conclusion of employment contracts and the on-boarding of your employees. It is now also a monthly item on the agenda of our Business Updates (on Fridays). With this certification, the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) really begins.”


We believe that Information Security is extremely important for our customers, but also for our employees. We as a growing company need to grow in each and every aspect. That is also what we did in the area of Information Security. Our control audit is now scheduled for early 2022.