Home / News / Customer journey at its best with the new Marketing Event Planning feature
15 December 2022

Customer journey at its best with the new Marketing Event Planning feature

Event planning feature in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Forecasting next years’ event campaigns and planning? The new Event Planning feature within Dynamics 365 Marketing can give your target group the optimal webpage experience for events.

The Event Planning feature within Dynamics 365 Marketing portal in its updated form, is made available during release wave 2 of this year. Creating an event, will automatically generate an event page on the portal. Attendees can register themselves without the use of a log-in. Although this can be changed in the settings if you prefer otherwise.

For the marketing administrator some features are great to get your event running quickly!

You can, for example, select your sponsors, program and allocate costs to speakers. This way you will know in no time if your event will make a profit before going live. The source of the portal content originate directly from Dataverse and can be customized from within the Dynamics event form. In other words, the Dynamics 365 Marketing module has its own CMS system.

The biggest advantages by own experience:

  • Central hub for all related information – Using the Marketing Event Portal, it’s easy to stay organized. You can enter all the information about your event, attendees, speakers and other details in a single centralized hub, which simplifies things for you and your marketing team.
  • Easy to customize, modify and update – You can easily update the graphics, change information about events, sessions, speakers and modify the event website, with no coding or technical knowledge required.
  • Includes registration, sign-in and payment features – There’s no need to use an external event manager like EventBrite to register customers, manage profiles or sell tickets. The Dynamics 365 Marketing Event Planning feature includes registration, profile management, event ticketing and payment features natively.

The out of the box experience is great! Personally, I have worked with Dynamic Power pages and Power portals. The look and feel within the Event Planning feature is more sophisticated in the Marketing portal and there are more visual options to configure an event. But the portal still has room to improve. Something I personally would like to see be added in the future, is the focus on an embedded webinar player for streams and online events.

Considering the new Event Planning feature means optimizing your customer experience and professionalizing your content as it gives you insights in the activity of your target group on your event page. It provides you with all necessary insights in your own administration regarding costs and customer information, which you can use to leverage. The portal gave me information that helped me measure my effectiveness and let me act on outcomes. All because of register information gathered by the portal and generated by my customers.